Write 5 pages thesis on the topic developing management skills.

My Inspirational pattern suggests that I am frustrated with the status quo. Creative breakthroughs are often the result of discontent with the status quo and, as a result, I may innovate past former barriers. In examining my own behavioral style and how it manifests in my relationships, I was not surprised by the outcome. I work effectively with people through leadership and providing them with long-term motivation through my natural optimism. I am convinced and persuasive, which have been major attributes in the success of my sales and management career. I also bring enthusiasm and openness to find alternatives to any challenges that I come across. Because of this, I can easily establish trust with my employees as well as my business partners. These qualities have allowed me to quickly form bonds and establish trust with individuals of various levels within an organization. My style is to move quickly and correct errors as I go. My Di combination can sometimes get me into trouble with individuals who are trying to exert their title or role onto me and with disregard for my position or thoughts. Also, I am impatient when decisions are left hanging. I am quick to assess situations and address any issues at hand with certainty that they have reached closure and a corrective action plan is in place.

Pat and I have worked at the same company for over six years. We have been on the same team in a managerial capacity for two out of those six years. Our working relationship began in a peer-to-peer capacity, where we managed lateral sales teams. It was obvious from the beginning of our working relationship that we had very different personalities. Pat is more cautious, analytical, and calm under pressure, whereas I am daring, enthusiastic, and eager. My drive to make decisions quickly was often hindered by Pat’s slow thought processes. Our differences were somewhat manageable at the beginning, as his behavior didn’t impede my day-to-day enjoyment of my job.

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