Write 5 pages thesis on the topic website usability and interaction. Furthermore, it should be organized such that users are encouraged to take action through the use of appropriate call to action messages. All images, text, and icons that are hyperlinked should also show when they are pointed at or clicked as a way of improving the useability of the site. Furthermore, the site should be redesigned such that users can tell which pages they have visited or which links they have clicked already.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic website usability and interaction. Furthermore, it should be organized such that users are encouraged to take action through the use of appropriate call to action messages. All images, text, and icons that are hyperlinked should also show when they are pointed at or clicked as a way of improving the useability of the site. Furthermore, the site should be redesigned such that users can tell which pages they have visited or which links they have clicked already.

EF Sports website has been created with a view of providing sports fans with up-to-date information on sporting activities and events and news about players. In addition to these, the website is dedicated to providing users a forum through which they can air their views about players, games, and matches. More specifically, the website targets football, tennis, volleyball enthusiasts.

A view of the website reveals that it has five menus that are located near the top of the page. The menu buttons are of a good size although they seem dull to the user. The buttons and controls are well labeled. However, an inexperienced user may not be able to tell that the buttons lead to other major sections of the site. The name of the website features at the top of the page and is positioned on the left side. The background of the site is generally dull as it has a lot of black and grey. The name of the site is legible and stands out clearly on the home page. In addition to the menu, the website is equipped with a site map that is useful in helping users navigate through it. The site map, page notes, and discussion sections are positioned on the left side of the page in a window that can be closed or minimized by the user at will. The site also has a provision for subscription much as it has a provision for signing into the site.

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A lot of the content that is written on the site is brief and concise, with relevant pictures accompanying the text. The pictures/images and content are laid out in a manner such that they do not distract or confuse the visitor. The pictures serve to keep the pages attractive. The paths to subscription and login are generally clear and little scrolling and clicking are required to navigate through the pages. There are also several links that lead to other pages or articles within and outside of the site.

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