Write 5 pages with APA style on Channel-serving the Key to a Success.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Channel-serving the Key to a Success. The online store systems, including search, also needed to be efficient. Customers wanted an exceptional user experience. If we didn’t provide it, the loyal cut customers’ risking what they wanted elsewhere was growing, due to the increased online competition.

At this point, we had our main channels to market established and integrated. Those channels were our store network, online store, and marketing.

It is critically important that these channels and others work together seamlessly for the customer experience to be compelling. This is the principle of Omni-channel retail, a seamlessly delivered multi-channel model.

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Digital channels allow you to enhance substantially the customers’ experience with your brand. No longer do you have to wait for the doors to open in your stores to talk to your customers. They can engage with you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

But when they do, they want the experience to mirror the in-store experience as best it can. Customers want to know what stock you have, is it in stock at their local store, and can they pick it up in-store? Will loyalty cards work online? Technology helps small businesses do that.

And finally, use technology to enhance the dialogue with your customers every day.

Use it to show you understand what is important to them. Loyalty programs, coupled with social media, provide the perfect places to discuss your products and services and bring them even closer to your brand.


Grover, D. (2012). Channel-serving the key to e-success, The Sydney Morning Herald, 16 April 2012. Retrieved 19 April 2012 from http://www.smh.com.au/small-business/smallbiz-tech/channelserving-the-key-to-esuccess-20120415-1x1iy.html

The text to be analyzed in this paper touches on my favorite topic on how organizations adapt to changing business environment with its discussion on channel-serving as key to success in e-business. In this article appearing in The Sydney Morning Herald, an Australian daily newspaper, Grover (2012) appreciates digital channels’ role in enhancing the sustainability of customer’s experience in the digital era where the driving force for adaptation of various strategies by organizations has been its customers’ expectations.

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