Write a 500-750 word essay using description as the chief method of development.Use your own thoughts, observations, and/or experiences as the sources for this essay. Research is NOT required or expec2022-07-13 06:59:45GraduateWriterhelp.com Answers

Write a 500-750 word essay using description as the chief method of development.Use your own thoughts, observations, and/or experiences as the sources for this essay. Research is NOT required or expected for this essay.Your essay must contain the following plagiarism acknowledgment before or after the essay, but in the same Word document.:“I have read and understand the ‘CTC Plagiarism Statement’ listed in this course. I understand that my essay will not be accepted without this statement. I have included the proper documentation and if my essay contains any form of undocumented sources, I may automatically receive a 0 on this assignment.”Writing Assignment     Purpose: to inform     Method of Development: Description (using multiple sensory details (sight, smell, taste, sound, touch, and emotional feeling)) Do not tell a story–that is the narrative essay coming up next week. Your job on this one is to use words to connect me to your topic. For example, a baby boy. Paragraph 1 introduces him and might say when he was born, how much he weighed, where he was born, etc.  Paragraph 2 might describe him physically (give details so you are creating his image with your words). Paragraphs 3 and 4 will describe other things–see the “Notes” folder and make sure you read that before attempting the essay. Your Topic: USE ATTACHED PHOTO Think about how you want to divide the description. Do you want one paragraph on the stream…one on the mountains…one on the clouds…or do you want one paragraph on this view in the morning…one in the afternoon…one in the evening? There are many options here in addition to the visual details you can describe. What is key is that you are including sensory details (make sure you read the ‘notes’ folder). What does the water running sound like? (sound) What smells do the evergreen trees give off? (smell) What does one of those rocks feel like? (touch)RemindersOrganize your ideas.Use vivid language and varied sentence structure.Remember this is not a narrative. This essay is based on painting a picture for the audience.Remember to use proper MLA format (header, the introduction ends with a clearly stated thesis statement, a minimum of (3) supporting paragraphs, a complete conclusion, and paragraphs consisting of (5) or more sentences each).Do not use you/your pronouns. Avoid I/me/my/we/our/us as these pull you into narrating rather than describing. You might need one or two, but do not fill your paragraphs with these pronouns.Writing ApproachIn this essay assignment, description will be the dominant technique used to develop a distinct impression of your topic. Remember that description must appeal to the senses: taste, touch, sound, sight, and smell. While you need not appeal to every sense in your essay, be sure to give the reader enough description so that he/she can be a part of your topic’s development. You may certainly use figurative language in your descriptions – simile, metaphor, personification, etc. In any case, be aware of your audience (your classmates) and your tone. Your choice of words may greatly influence your reader’s impression of your topic. Be careful to present your topic as you would like it to be interpreted.Important: Your paper will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign or similar third parties to review and evaluate for originality and intellectual integrity. Plagiarized papers, whether intentional or simply due to ignorance will receive a total grade of zero. Read the following information on plagiarism.

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