Write a paper on the gendered nature of sexual harassment

I need some assistance with these assignment. the gendered nature of sexual harassment Thank you in advance for the help! Sandy Welsh’s article “Gender and Sexual Harassment” examines the social phenomenon that is sexual harassment situated within the workplace. She presents a comprehensive overview of its definition, measurement, the different theoretical approaches to it, and even gives recommendations for future research. It basically investigates extant research on sexual harassment in the workplace, with particular focus on its gendered overtones. Rhonda Lenton, Michael D. Smith, John Fox, and Norma Morra’s article, entitled “Sexual Harassment in Public Places: Experiences of Canadian Women,” expands the customary view of sexual harassment in that it always transpires within confined spaces like an office or university by creating a study in the form of an analytical survey that attempts to explore its etiology through the examination of the types, frequency and severity of harassment, as well as the characteristics of women most likely to be victimized, its theoretical implications, and its emotional and psychological effects (517).

Both articles have feminism overtones in that it is assumed, even explored further, that sexual harassment has a gendered nature in that women are seen as the victims and men the perpetrators of the crime due to the male-dominant structure of society and organizations (Welsh 184. Lenton, et al. 519-520). However, Welsh acknowledges that men are not neglected as victims of sexual harassment, rather, there is just a lack of research and investigation into their experiences (170 and 187).

Welsh shows how the definition and the constitution of the act of sexual harassment itself, alludes to a subjective nature in that what might be offensive behavior to some may be considered as flattery by others (Welsh 173). She explores this angle through the examination of how sexual harassment is measured—mainly through surveys.&nbsp.

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