write an article on aircraft systems Paper must be at least 3250 words.

Besides, all these active and highly efficient sensory system, modern aircraft are equipped with state-of-the-art, machine vision and artificial intelligence-based versatile and robust systems. All the sensors and actuators used in the navigation panel of the pilot cabin work efficiently due to the CAT (computerized adaptive testing) system. This system is capable of generating a more robust and optimal solution to a problem faced by the navigation system. This system makes the airplanes more autonomous and is capable of communicating and helping pilots in unexpected situations. CAT systems are not only capable of providing output but are also provided with built in intelligence to study all the active parameters and provide an intelligent response to the pilot.

Above is the view of a typical electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) used in modern aircraft (Skybrary, 2013). In older aircraft, these EFIS were based on CRTs but with the advent of advances in electronics and CAT systems, more sophisticated EFIS was on demand. Therefore, the above shown EFIS is primarily based on liquid crystal display technology which makes the instrument display system a very colorful panel.

For the safe operational landing of commercial aircraft, an approaching aircraft gets guidance by the instrument of landing. This operation relates to the modulation of depth comparisons. Many recent aircraft use Autopilot systems to locate signals from these beams. The instrument of landing in most airports consists of a Glideslope and localizer. A localizer measures the difference in depth of modulation. Measurement of this depth relates to diverse pairs of directional antennas. A localizer refers to an array of antennas located beyond the point of departure of the airport. It provides lateral guidance to aircraft. Typically the system consists of two signals transmitted on one instrument landing system.&nbsp. One of the signal modulations is at 150Hz and 40Hz.

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