write an article on memorandum Paper must be at least 1000 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on memorandum Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Companies throughout U.S are found to be very somber about this matter, as the principle of “the customer is always right” has tremendous magnitude. Right through from the different companies that represent combined GDP of the country. from large scale business to small, most of the structures run under certain elements. They are more than just a humble handshake or an enthusiastic welcome. the norms are important to be followed from the start to the execution of the final deal (Martin and Lillian 49).

Business in the United States is discussed in different styles. The social custom of the entire country encourages semi formal representation and to the point talk. Businessmen from small scale to large scale usually meet up at restaurants or cafés to discuss business. Offices are usually directly related to work at the final business ventures but building the confidence requires humble and semi formal approach. It is very socially acceptable and widely practiced. Sending gifts to the business clients is not highly encouraged as and is only limited to very few companies. Only a ‘Thank You’ note is considered to do the job better as it is not costly and are positively perceived (Cavusgil, Ghauri and Ackol 75).

While socially influencing the level of eye contact is very important, as the gain confidence of the business party, it is vital to create the sense of understanding and commitment through one’s body language. Business cards are usually exchanged for being in touch, the appropriate time for that is by the end of the conversation or the meeting. It is always important to smile and be confident, the tone of the speaker has to be motivating enough to get the other party interested. Finding humor in business is suggested but is usually not recommended depending on the nature of the work (Shaw 60).

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