write an article on Recruitment Strategies In IBM. It needs to be at least 1750 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Recruitment Strategies In IBM. It needs to be at least 1750 words. IBM, having one of the most professional workforces in the world, employs approximately 329,000 employees and operates a business in 170 countries around the globe (IBM, 2009). They employ staff worldwide across different disciplines ranging from technical IT areas to the non-technical disciplines of Sales, Finance, HR, and Legal (Monster, 2008). Being a globally integrated company, they need to keep changing their business model radically and shift its value proposition. Thus, attracting and developing individuals is critical to IBM’s success (Schmidt, 2005).

There are three main steps in the recruitment process – identification of the requirements, attracting the right candidates, and the selection from the applicants. The right job description and the job specifications help to attract the right candidate and eliminate unwanted work involved in the selection process.

IBM has the reputation of being resilient to market forces and strong leadership. They strongly follow the online recruitment process and it is their key recruitment strategy. Online recruitment includes its own website www.ibm.com apart from key online recruitment websites such as monster.com (Monster, 2008). Online recruitment supplements and complements other forms of recruitment. Online recruitment enables reaching a wider audience and being in the IT industry, this reflects its nature of business. Besides, the online recruitment process is cost-effective and it also allows continuous improvement of the process. The online recruitment and selection process has saved time spent by as much as 25 percent (Kumar, 2003). They accept applications online as well as through emails. In addition, they adhere to the traditional forms of recruitment such as sourcing through headhunters and recruitment fairs. Thus, they outsource recruitment as well as keep it in-house on their website.

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