writing homework on Building a Personal Learning Network.

Need help with my writing homework on Building a Personal Learning Network. Write a 1250 word paper answering; Primarily, looking at my Image, anyone I interact with is a portion of my PLN, whether they are professional peers, social contacts, or experts within their area. Today a great part of learning takes place over the online platform since it is easy to find as well as connect with others on the having the same interests from all over the world.

On my part, I use the PLN for various reasons as indicated in the diagram above. First, I use m PLN for professional development. Here I am connected through social media, such as Facebook and Twitter to professors in the area of a profession. These are individuals who have either taught me at school at one point or the other and those I have come across at one point or the other. The main reason for choosing this group of professionals is to learn from the content-era specialists (Rajagopal, Brinke, Bruggen, & Sloep, 2012).

Professionals normally develop the attitude of a professional learner as a way of approaching their professional life as well as learning in a networked manner, and then they build and maintain as well as activate their contacts globally. Personal contact details are included in a way that observes privacy and security but promotes interaction. This also depends on various provisions by online interaction platforms and other platforms of interaction.

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In this way, I am able to pose some questions on my profession and get answers, especially on issues that promote my professional standing in terms of knowledge. Normally, the people I engage wit have written articles, journals, and books on various aspects of my profession. Getting these people’s ideas and opinions on subjects help in motivating and promoting research on subjects apart from providing the necessary knowledge for this development (Rajagopal, Brinke, Bruggen, & Sloep, 2012).

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