writing homework on Effective Operation of SAI Toys.

Need help with my writing homework on Effective Operation of SAI Toys. Write a 1250 word paper answering; The public website system will be integrated with the sales and marketing system to produce a newly recommended system called e-sales and marketing system as shown in the UML diagram. This means the e-sales and marketing system staff will be replaced or reduced from ten to five as a result of the integration to the new system. This system will handle the purchase or order requests coming from individual customers using an e-commerce platform on the e-sales and marketing system. This system will have new features and information available for management. One feature will be customers ordering products. This feature will inform the manufacturing support system of newly ordered products as soon as customers place orders. This will help management know the number of products being manufactured and the amount of revenue being made in real-time. Another feature will be the customer’s profile. This feature will build the customer’s profile in order to provide customer buying patterns and behavior to management. Tracking sales and marketing features. this feature will help management understand the performance of the sales and marketing team in their advertising and promotion efforts of SAI Toys.

The manufacturing support system will not be replaced, it will be integrated with the e-sales and marketing system, where it will serve the newly recommended e-sales and marketing system as shown in the UML diagram. It will handle orders placed by individual customers using the e-commerce platform. In case of any defective products being manufactured or reported by customers through the warranty program, the manufacturing system will inform the human resource system, where management resides. Management will be able to resolve warranty issues and approve raw materials for the manufacturing support system to replace defective products.

The human resources system will not be replaced. it will be integrated with both the newly recommended e-sales and marketing system and manufacturing support system as shown in the UML diagram. This system will mainly consist of a management team which will&nbsp.deal with resolving warranty issues and approves raw materials for the manufacturing support system to replace defective products.

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