writing homework on Effetive communication in radiotherapy. Write a 2000 word paper answering; These are expressing of concerns, checks and understanding, asking of questions and presentation of detailed information (Wilmet, 2007).

Need help with my writing homework on Effetive communication in radiotherapy. Write a 2000 word paper answering; These are expressing of concerns, checks and understanding, asking of questions and presentation of detailed information (Wilmet, 2007). For all these components to be achieved, the patient needs to put in extra effort and to fully cooperate. The quality of the communication provided in cancer care improves when the radiotherapists tend to the individual cancer patient needs. Patients can clearly contribute to this individualized care by expressing their preferences as well as needs clearly (Webster, 2000).

Effective communication in the radiotherapy setting enables the collating of information hence making audit virtually possible and enhancing onward flow of data to cancer registries. It helps the radiotherapy staff to uphold teamwork. This will enhance a detailed discussion between physicians, surgeons, radiologists, pathologists and oncologists about the clinical factors that are relevant to decision making. This will therefore benefit patients in the treatment of radiotherapy due to their high considerations. The manner in which health care professionals do communicate with patients through the application of health and social care services highly affects the way in which the patients do experience the treatment. Good communication facilitates earlier diagnosis of cancer ailments. Early diagnosis can lead to better and efficient treatment of the cancer in the patient. This will ultimately help to avoid deaths that are usually occasioned by late diagnosis of the cancer ailment in patients. It reduces emergency admissions of cancer patients. It also improves self-management of radiotherapists on the patient.

Effective communication is also important in reducing inequalities in access and provision of care among the cancer patients (Royal College of Radiologists, 2008). It enables the patients to return to their normal life activities as soon as possible after the diagnosis of the treatment of cancer.

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