Personal journals about learning

Personal journals about learning

Please write journals in a Word document using APA format. Write 3-4 pages (i.e., double spaced plus title page and references). You may wish to talk about your ‘learning edge’ or the point at which you become less comfortable with the idea of working with Indigenous children and communities. What do you know and what do you want to learn?

Journals allow the instructor to witness the learning and thought process of each student. Some of the course materials and historical information may be difficult to process and students may need support and instructor feedback from time to time.

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personal journals documenting their learning. In addition, students are encouraged to document the struggles, interests, curiosities and other ideas experienced throughout the course. Journal writings should document the student’s learning, areas of struggle, challenges, interests and/or passions. You may want to consider including personal reactions or responses to some of the course content. Considering the following questions:

  • What wholistic reactions do you experience emotionally, physically, spiritually (ties to family), and  mentally?
  • What helps you to explore these topics in greater depth and integrate the material into your existing ways of knowing?

When beginning the course, it may be helpful to acknowledge “your working edge”. A “working edge” is the point where you become less comfortable with your knowledge of working with Indigenous families in an early childhood educational context. When you identify your working edge, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What areas would you like to or do you need to know more about with regards to Indigenous ways of knowing?
  • Who or what could support you in knowledge transformation?