Correctional employees have are exposed to individuals on a frequent basis that consider deviance a normal way of life. Over time this exposure can have a negative influence if not properly managed by correctional agencies. In your initial post, discuss the increased risk of workplace corruption among correctional employees. As part of your response identify some examples of temptations correctional employees face which could lead to workplace corruption. Conclude your response by identifying measures correctional agencies can implement to reduce the threat of workplace corruption.

Correctional employees have are exposed to individuals on a frequent basis that consider deviance a normal way of life. Over time this exposure can have a negative influence if not properly managed by correctional agencies.

In your initial post, discuss the increased risk of workplace corruption among correctional employees. As part of your response identify some examples of temptations correctional employees face which could lead to workplace corruption. Conclude your response by identifying measures correctional agencies can implement to reduce the threat of workplace corruption.

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