If you have professional experience in the criminal justice system, explain how you expect a degree in criminal justice to affect your professional practice in the criminal justice system.


Individuals enter the criminal justice field for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they’ve been personally affected by a crime. Or they want to advocate for victims or counsel youth offenders. They may also have a keen sense of right and wrong that aligns with the profession. With this course, you are taking your first step toward a criminal justice degree. What does that degree mean to you—and how might it change your life?


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For this Journal, you reflect on your decision to pursue a bachelor’s degree and where you expect it to lead.



Write a 300-word journal response to one of the following prompts:


  1. If you have professional experience in the criminal justice system, explain how you expect a degree in criminal justice to affect your professional practice in the criminal justice system.


  1. If you do not have professional experience in the criminal justice system, describe your criminal justice perspective and the reasons you have for choosing this degree.

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