If you were the project manager, what expertise would you like from the sponsor, stakeholders, or core team members to create a milestone schedule with acceptance criteria?

Read the Casa De Paz Development Project case study found at the end of chapters 1 through 5, CPM 4e and answer the following questions in a paper formatted using a question-response format:

Question 1 (taken from Unit 3) – If you were the project manager, what expertise would you like from the sponsor, stakeholders, or core team members to create a milestone schedule with acceptance criteria?  Minimum 250 words.

Question 2 (taken from Unit 5) – What would you want to see in a team charter (i.e., rules of engagement) for this development project?  Is this different (Agile environment) than other (Traditional – Suburban Homes) environments?  If so, how is it different?   Minimum 250 words.

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Question 3 (taken from Unit 5) – List types of decisions that would need to be made and the appropriate person, group, or method for each, for example, individual team member, the collective team, scrum master, and/or product owner.

You will be assessed on content and mechanics.

Content (30 points/question):  The content must be based on the case study materials and reading assignments.  The PMBOK 6e and CPM 4e, along with other reputable resources can be used to supplement the responses through summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting those sources.

Mechanics (10 points):  Each question response must be at at minimum 250 words.  “Minimum” is that amount typically needed to meet expectations (to earn a “B”).  To exceed expectations (to earn an “A”), a deeper discussion is needed. Each reference should be listed at the end of the paper following APA guidelines.  Online blogs are not acceptable references.  See Purdue OWL website for guidance on in-text citations.

Your Instructor will use Turn-it-in to ensure your paper is authentic work. To avoid plagiarism, see the course home page for more information and use the Purdue Online Writing Lab to learn how to paraphrase, summarize and cite the references you use in all academic writing assignments.

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