Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: We Need School Reforms. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

The common people ask the stance of the American ruling elite on this issue. The federal government needs to take this topic in a more serious tone and manner as well as lend a hand to these very states on a much greater and bigger level than it is doing at the very moment. However, it is a very sad fact that even in the present times, when the world has entered the 21st century, a first world country like that of America, which is supposed to be a role model for the rest of the world has been on the receiving end of facing problems of poor standards in their schools like goals, expectations and not to forget the requirements too. There are a great disagreement and inconsistencies can be seen left, right, and center on people’s standards when one compares that with the school’s standards. People set high standards that are pretty much not in line and quite hard and from time to time moderately without a solution to achieve by students as well as their teachers, whereas on the other hand some schools do not even match these standards and pass kids who are not able to read properly or who have poor educational skills as a matter of fact.

Thus the present state in which the American educational system is, it needs some outside help that can pretty much turn its fate around and take it to new levels of education, awareness, and success that are so very in line with each other. To have high academic standards on the part of the educational schools, universities, and different technical institutes, there needs to be a level of achieving high performance in public education systems and the like consistently and not one that does well for them once and then abandons the same for a long hiatus. This system needs to be changed for the better essentially.

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