What was one element of the reading that is applicable to your educational and/or professional roles in 2020? Using details/concepts/ideas from the reading, explain how this year alone, your professional/educational development has been impacted. 

Before participating in this discussion board, please be sure to view and listen to the lecture, as well as complete this week’s reading.

For our week nine discussion board, please answer the following:

1. Reading: What was one element of the reading that is applicable to your educational and/or professional roles in 2020? Using details/concepts/ideas from the reading, explain how this year alone, your professional/educational development has been impacted.

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2. Reflect: Thinking of the workplaces we see in movies and television, what realistic elements are appropriately conveyed? Based on your own professional and/or educational experiences, what have you learned about professional relationships?

Please remember your initial post should be a minimum of 250

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