Reflect upon and respond to the following: Examine the topic and/or reading that affected you most during this course. Why and how did it affect your thoughts on education and teaching secondary readi2022-05-27 Answers

Reflect upon and respond to the following:Examine the topic and/or reading that affected you most during this course. Why and how did it affect your thoughts on education and teaching secondary reading/writing? Analyze how it will impact your teaching in the future.please make it a personal reflection and write at least five hundred words. References1. Anderson, L.W. (2003). Classroom assessment: Enhancing the quality of teacher decision making. Retrieved from eBook Central (accessed through LIRN). If you are having trouble accessing eBook Central resources, please review the instructions: Finding a chapter in eBook Central Academic.Read chapters 1-4 (pages 1-94) which provide a solid introduction to assessment usage and application.2. Berry, R., & Kennedy, K.J. (2008). Assessment for learning. Retrieved from eBook Central (accessed through LIRN). If you are having trouble accessing eBook Central resources, please review the instructions: Finding a chapter in eBook Central Academic.Read chapter 6 (pages 105-122) which focuses on creating assessments that speak to diverse students.3. USFHealth (n.d.). Creating a rubric: Tutorial. College of Public Health. site gives a thorough overview of how to create a rubric for use in alternative assessments. Be sure to look through all 6 modules.

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